Arthur Drayton Trophy

Arthur Drayton was born on the 4th April 1915 in Mallow, Ireland to parents Herbert and Sarah. At the time he joined the club he was living at Prestbury Golf Clubhouse where his parents were Steward and Stewardess.

This trophy is awarded to the Junior Time Trial Champion. Arthur joined the ‘Chesh’ in February 1939, Proposed by Stan Wild and Seconded by Dick Gerrard. HeĀ  was obviously a rider of great potential, he entered his first ‘Open’ event in April ’39, the Withington Wheelers Novices ’25’ and was leading with 3 miles to go. He was on at least a 1-9 (the winner clocked 1-11) when, on attempting to take a bottle being handed up to him, he crashed heavily and was unable to finish. He won the handicap award in his first ’50’ clocking 2-16-53 and was fastest ‘Chesh’ rider in the Wheelers’ ‘100’ with 5-2-48 in very inclement conditions. He actually beat the great Alf Hammond, Freddy Turner and Bert Mathieu. He won the Handicap Championship that year from Dennis Spearing as well as being fastest ‘Chesh’ rider in several interclub events and Opens.

He saw active service with the Army Dental Corps and was lost at sea between the 25th April & 28th April 1941. He was probably on a ship used for the evacuation of Greece. He is commemorated on a Memorial in Athens and the War Memorials in Prestbury, Macclesfield and Henbury.

In The News from 1939 to 1941:

May 1940 – Arthur Drayton sailed last month for Egypt.

June 1940 – Arthur Drayton spent some time at Marseilles before proceeding to Egypt.

July 1940 – Arthur Drayton was recalled to England from Marseilles a day before the heavy bombing of that port took place, and he has since been home on leave and spent some time in Scotland. He has now left again for Egypt and it must now be presumed that this is definite.

August 1940 – Readers are asked to believe nothing we write about Arthur Drayton. Twice we have moved him to Egypt and twice we have been the purveyors of wrong information. Arthur is still in England and, wait for it, engaged to be married! We publish this with all reserve!

September 1940 – Whilst not expecting readers to believe a word of it, we announce for the third time that Arthur Drayton is on the high seas, bound for Egypt. The receipt of letter bearing an Egyptian post-mark will be a tremendous relief!

November 1940 – A cable has been received from Arthur Drayton briefly stating that he has arrive safely in Cairo.

December 1940 – Arthur Drayton is enjoying himself immensely in Egypt. He is seeing the sights in the approved Cook’s Tourist manner.

July 1941 – There is no further news of Arthur Drayton, except to add that he was engulfed in the sudden German advance into Libya. (We know that Arthur died in April 1941 but it’s not clear where.)

The first winner of the Trophy, presented by his parents in his memory was Harry Allin in 1945. The last holder was Mike Bailey. The fastest holder was Dave Couch with 26.58 mph in 1973 although Jim Timmons, winner in 1980, does not have his speed recorded in the record books, but was possibly faster than Couch. The list of winners reads like a ‘Chesh’ Who’s Who, with E R Jones, Pilling, Norris, Conway, Hammond, G R Mathieu, Couch (3 times), Levesley, Binder, Black, Cox, Ridley and Dipper all appearing on the plinth.

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