Unfortunately many links to Westmead Team 88 events (which we have nominated for our 10 mile competitions for many years) are no longer available on their website – resulting in 404 Page Not Found errors.
If you’re desperate to find a result then most of the Westmead results from 2004 to 2019 can be found on WebArchive.org
2023 Hill Climb Championship result.
2022 Hill Climb Championship result.
2021 Hill Climb Championship result.
(2020 no events due to Covid)
(2019 events can be found here.)
(2018 events can be found here.)
(2017 events can be found here.)
(2016 events can be found here.)
(2015 events can be found here.)
(2014 events can be found here.)
(2013 events can be found here.)
(2012 events can be found here.)
(2011 events can be found here.)